Ham Radio Logging Software

HAMRS is a simple amateur radio contact logger, with templates tailored to portable activities like Parks on the Air, Field Day, etc. Operating systems edit The Debian project maintains a pure blend that includes ham radio software. Net Logging Software For Radio Amateurs and Other Radio Operators. Many radio operators participate in on-air meetings called nets. From ham radio clubs or groups of friends who want to stay in touch to emergency response and weather spotting teams practicing for emergency communications, on simplex frequencies and repeaters, both planned and spontaneous, there are on-air meetings going on.

There is a wide variety of logging programs to choose. Some are meant only for every day logging. Others are meant specifically for contesting. Some will do both.

Awards Tracking Logging Software
Another name for ‘every day logging’ is awards tracking software. This is the one repository of your contacts where progress towards various milestones are compiled. Milestones include Worked All States, Worked 100 Contries, County Chasing, etc.

  1. Ham Radio Deluxe was originally released as freeware, which essentially means that the author grants a temporary license to use and/or distribute the program free of charge, while reserving the right to rescind this license in the future. Back in 2011, the original author of HRD sold the rights to Ham Radio Deluxe to HRD Software.
  2. Ham radio logging software. Logging software for the most demanding radio amateur. WSJT-X, JS8Call, MixW, FLDIGI logging, LoTW / eQSL full synch and much more.
  3. Ham Radio Deluxe - Best Logging Software for Amateur Radio Operators QSO Logger with Control for Ham Radios, DX Cluster, Operating Awards. Logbook - also known as HRDLog - is a powerful ham radio QSO logging software program within Ham Radio Deluxe. It is both a complete DX operations center, as well as a fantastic general purpose logger.

My personal preference for my general purpose logging software was ACLog by N3FJP. Ham Radio Deluxe is starting to get my attention, however.

The way I use ACLog is:

  • Every day contacts with individuals I enter directly into ACLog.
  • Contacts made with my Digital Mode software, MixW or Digipan, I import into ACLog using the ADIF file interchange format.
  • Contest contacts are made with a contest logger where I later import them into ACLog using the ADIF file interchange format.
  • I maintain the status of QSL cards sent and received in ACLog.

The way I use my logging software packages is all my contacts eventually wind up in ACLog. From there I can keep track of the various totals, upload to eQSL, upload to Logbook of the World (LOTW) and keep track of QSL card sent and received status.

I mentioned Ham Radio Deluxe. This is quite a full featured program. I have avoided it for many years because of some computer blue screen events while trying to run it. However, it seems to be more stable now. There is a central log window with satellite windows used for specific actions including Digital Modes and Satellite Frequency tracking. However, the one thing I like most about Ham Radio Deluxe is its ability to save the log information in a MySQL database. This, finally, divorces the log data from the proprietary database structure of most other programs. Plus, with some internet trickery, you can host the database somewhere else and that is exactly what I did. With the MySQL tables near a web server, I can now serve up QSO data live as it is saved. This is exactly what I have done and you can see my QSOs here…

There is still work to be done, but this, for me, is pretty cool.

Contest Logging
My contest loggers vary. For quick install and use, N3FJP has contest logging software customized for each supported event. This is unlike most other contest logging programs which have one base program with customizations for each contest. The latter method is certainly the more flexible way to go. However, if there is a N3FJP program for your favorite contest, it is a dirt simple way of getting quickly accustomed to that contest’s rules.

N1MM and Writelog are two contest logging programs I am starting to use more often. They have the single program model with customizations for each supported contest’s rules.

For the ARRL Field Day up through 2010 my club used the network version of the N3FJP FDNet software. Works great. Now we use N1MM in network mode when site-wide dupe checking is necessary.

We will review various titles from time to time, but for now here is a list of known titles…

Free Ham Radio Software Downloads

59+ Log, Analyzer, Converter 4 4.2 12/31/03
AALog for Windows 3.1/9x/NT 16 4.8 11/3/06
AATest 1 5.0 10/19/05
AC Log by N3FJP 99 4.9 2/2/08
AC Log by N3FJP 9 5.0 2/14/08
ARRL – Logbook of the World –
LoTW 227 3.4 2/2/08
Cab-converter v1.01 3 5.0 3/15/06
CommCat 19 4.8 2/25/07
CQRLOG for Linux 1 5.0 12/29/07
CT by K1EA 10 3.9 4/28/06
DX Tracker 4 4.5 11/29/04
DX4Win 45 4.4 7/25/07
DXBase 2000 and later versions 53 4.6 12/15/07
DXKeeper 8 4.8 8/11/06
DXLab by AA6YQ 28 4.9 1/14/08
DXLOG & ClusterLog 1 5.0 4/14/03
DXLOG / ClusterLog 0
EasyLog 8 4.9 8/16/07
Field Day Logger by N2TDK 2 4.5 6/26/01
G4FAL Contest Logging 0
GenLog32 By W3KM 4 4.8 2/7/08
Ham Log Program 3 5.0 1/26/03
Ham Radio Deluxe Logbook 24 4.8 2/3/08
HAM-LOG for Windows 1 5.0 4/2/07
Hamlog 4.0 (Macintosh) 1 5.0 8/21/00
HyperLog 4.xx 10 3.1 10/9/07
jLog 4 5.0 2/12/08
jLog for Mac, Kinux and Windows 0
KA1VGM NetManager 2 3.0 4/25/07
KLog 3 4.7 10/31/07
KLog ver 1.1.31 – 5.1 Mb 0
Kwiklog Classic 2 2.5 12/13/04
Log Window 32 4.2 1/4/08
LOG-EQF ver 9.06 19 4.6 2/12/07
Logger 34 4.4 3/21/06
Logger32 36 4.3 1/19/08
LOGic 5.0 for Windows 24 3.6 10/16/03
Logic 6 for Windows 5 4.8 2/28/04
LOGic 7 for Windows 10 4.8 2/20/06
LOGic 8 – Logging for windows 14 4.9 1/22/08
Lux-Log 6 4.8 8/4/03
MacLoggerDX 64 4.9 2/12/08
McQ_Log 1 5.0 6/9/02
MicroLog by WA0H 3 5.0 10/23/07
miLog 9 4.8 8/6/07
MobileLog – Logging software for
PocketPC PDAs 1 5.0 3/4/04
MobileLog for PocketPC (WindowsCE) 0
MobileLog for PocketPC (WindowsCE) 0
N1MMlogger 49 4.9 2/11/08
N3FJP Contesting Software 29 4.9 7/8/07
NA by K8CC 3 5.0 4/22/06
Paper Chasers Log 0
Paper Chasers Log – PCL 0
Paper Chasers Log by N0OKS 11 4.7 12/13/07
Paper Chasers Log by N0OKS 0
PortaLog by HamHeld 1 5.0 5/9/05
PRL 3.0 (Palm Radio Log) 0
Prolog 3 4.7 8/4/07
Prolog2K 42 4.8 1/11/08
Rabbit Logger ver 10.5 3 3.3 6/15/02
RCKLog 3 5.0 2/25/07
RodLog 1 5.0 12/2/07
RoverLog 0
SCR-Log for School Club Roundup 0
SD by EI5DI 15 5.0 1/23/08
Sharps Logger 0
Shortwave Log 3 3.3 9/2/07
SWISSLOG 8 4.9 7/5/06
TACLog by OZ2M for Fielday 0
TACLog by OZ2M for VHF/UHF
Fieldday 1 5.0 7/17/01
tlf 7 5.0 12/28/07
TRLog by N6TR 7 4.9 12/6/03
TurboLog 3 4.3 2/8/04
Twlog 0
UCXLog 2 5.0 3/17/06
VHFCONT by KC6TEU (freeware) 2 4.5 1/31/08
VHFTEST by WG3E (freeware) 3 5.0 6/11/02
VQLog 20 4.4 7/27/07
Win-EQF 28 4.7 1/12/08
Win-Test contest logging software 16 4.9 8/1/07
Winlog32 33 4.5 12/15/07
WJ2O 6 2.3 1/15/01
WLOG2000 1 5.0 1/16/05
WriteLog by W5XD 34 4.4 12/20/07
xlog 5 4.6 11/11/07
XMLog 15 4.8 5/2/07
YFKlog 1 5.0 11/19/07

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– Software Index –
Antenna | CW training | Contest & Logging | Slow Scan & Fax | Digital | Mode Types | Utilities | Control | HSCW
I make no endorsement nor has any pecuniary interest in any of the listings
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  • Antenna Maker Antenna design program for Quads, Yagis, Inverted
    Vees, J-poles, Trap Dipoles and more.
  • Antenna Software at QRZ.com Large collection of radio related software at QRZ.com web site.
  • Antenna Solver provides much greater flexibility in the construction, analysis, and interpretation of radiating structures using a rewritten NEC module.
  • ASAP A Free general purpose antenna analysis user-oriented software program for numerical electromagnetic antenna design, antenna modeling and antenna analysis.
  • Bazooka Calculator By West Mountain Radio.
  • Discone Antenna Design Discone antenna design program by K5DKZ.
  • EZNEC Antenna analysis NEC-2 based antenna analysis software for the amateur and professional.
  • Helix Antenna Design helix antennas with this DOS program by OH0NC.
  • J-pole Design Prg By DX Zone
  • LogPeriodic calculator Hamwaves.com Logperiodic Dipoles.
  • Magnetic Loop Designer Magnetic Loop Antenna Design software by Hackaday.com.
  • MMANA MM Antenna Analyzer by JE3HHT – Makoto Mori.
  • NEC-Win Pro By DX Zone
  • PolarPlot Antenna software that lets you measure the polar diagram of a rotatable beam antenna. By Xtronic
  • Quad calculator Cubical quad antenna calculator in java script. By N6ACH
  • Quickyagi This is the place for downloading the latest DOS version of Quickyagi the ‘freeware’ yagi modeling program with auto-design & optimize.
  • Yagi Antenna Design Experiment with Yagi designs on your computer!


  • Code Quick Master Code In 30 Days, Code quick the fastest way to master code.
  • CwGet and CwType Program to receive Morse code via sound card, Windows 95/98/NT. UA9OSV CwType – Terminal program to transmit morse code (Windows 95/98). It allows to send CW both from the keyboard and from the paddle connected to the joystick interface or any other hardware port.
  • CLLOG Free german Open Source HAM Logging Program under the terms of the GNU General Public License. CLLOG runs under MS-DOS (Windows DOS-Window under 3.x,9x,NT,ME,2000) and LINUX. All Functions for Logbook. Site is in German
  • DasLog Log Book Programe, DOS and Windows Logbook for radio amateurs written by DK8AT.
  • DX 4 Win DX4WIN is an easy to use, yet powerful logging program for every ham. It has been designed for the the serious and the casual DXer.
  • DXKeeper DXKeeper is a free, comprehensive logging application that records and manages QSOs tracks progress towards DXing awards.
  • DXtreme logging software The Short Wave Reception Log and The Amateur Radio Station Log by DXtreme
  • DXLab Launcher makes it easy to control individual DXLab applications, or a specified group of DXLab applications
  • Easylog Easylog by microware software
  • Field Day Logging Program 1.2 (ACLog) This program checks for duplicates (including partials), lists the sections (which change color when they have been worked), lists all contacts, writes ASCII log, dupe and summary files, and provides many current statistics by N3FJP.
  • Ham Radio Deluxe Ham Radio Deluxe is the World’s Most Popular Ham Radio Software. Radio Amateur’s Best Asset, Rig and Rotor Control, Logging, Digital Modes, and Satellite.
  • HyperLog “Full featured logging program available since 1989. Interfaces to most radio’s, TNC’s, and Callbooks. Runs under DOS and all “”flavors”” of Windows. Can run on 8088 or fastest Pentium machine. Easy to use with virtually unlimited database capability. Trial version available.
  • KLog KLog is free amateur radio logging software. Now including AZ,WAS,IOTA,DXCC & WPX awards tracking. Also ADIF import/export is supported.
  • N1MM Free Contest Logger The N1MM Logger is a free, open source
    contest logging program for Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000. Sound-card DVK, CW sending, and band-maps are included.
  • N3FJP This is an easy to use Windows based general logging program. The program tracks your Worked All States, Worked All Counties, and Worked All Countries progress. Included is a database of counties and countries, by N3FJP

Ham Radio Logging Software For Mac



  • DXView DXView presents a world map, upon which beam headings, stations you spot, the sun’s position, and the solar terminator are continuously displayed. Supports M2 and Yaesu PC-controlled rotator controllers.
  • FT8 & FT4 WSJT-X implements communication protocols or “modes” called FT4, FT8, JT4, JT9, JT65, QRA64, ISCAT, MSK144, and WSPR, as well as one called Echo for detecting and measuring your own radio signals reflected from the Moon.
  • JTAlert 2.15.5 (06-DEC-2019) Check to see if this is the latest version (versions change often) that works with WSJT-X. Version download is 2.15.5 here for now.
  • HamComm Program for ham radio communications, supports reception and transmission of radio teletype (RTTY), AMTOR ARQ/FEC, SITOR A/B, NAVTEX and Morse code (CW) signals.
  • HamScope HamScope is a multi-mode communications package for amateur radio that supports: PSK31 BPSK and QPSK RTTY ASCII MFSK16 CW
  • KaGold and PkGold Performance Software for AEA and Kantronics TNCs Recognized Leader in Packet Amtor RTTY Baudot Pactor Gtor ASCII CW Morse support.
  • LinPsk Psk31 program for Linux, supports up to four simultaneous receive windows
  • MixW – Multi Mode Operating Software for HAMs MixW supports: SSB, AM, FM, CW, BPSK31, QPSK31, FSK31, RTTY, Packet (HF/VHF), Pactor (RX only), AMTOR (FEC), MFSK, Hellschreiber, Throb, Fax (RX only), SSTV, MT63.
  • MultiMode Digital modes decoding software for the macintosh. Decodes CW, RTTY, WEFAX, SATFAX, ACARS, DTMF, SSTV
  • PSK31 software for getting on the air based on the Operating System of your computer and after that based on the hardware you have.
  • PSK31 by G3PLX PSK31, version 1.06 by Peter Martinez, G3PLX
  • TrueTTY A program for amateur radio digital communications via a sound card by DXsoft
  • WinWarbler WinWarbler allows you to conduct QSOs in the PSK31, PSK63, and RTTY modes using your soundcard’s analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog conversion functions.
  • WinPSK Windows 95/98 based program to decode PSK31 mode by AE4JY, freeware
  • WO-PSK Simple to set up PSK31 programed with some useful features.


Ham Radio Deluxe 5.24.38 Download

  • MultiMode Digital modes decoding software for the macintosh. Decodes CW, RTTY, WEFAX, SATFAX, ACARS, DTMF, SSTV.
  • RadioCom 5© for RX + TX. (RTTY, PSK, FAX, SSTV, CW ) on HF and higher frequency bands and more.
  • WeFAX Weather Facsimile Software WEFAX stands for Weather Facsimile and is similar to other types of fax transmissions. There are currently three different countries that transmit WEFAX, these are the US (GOES), European (Meteosat) and Japanese (GMS ) satellites.


  • Atlas software for DX hunters Electronic World atlas for radio amateurs. DXCC and province prefixes, CQ and ITU Zones in the rectangular and azimuthal projections, continuous zoom and scrolling, Gray Line, city and island index, unique hierarchical prefix database. COM/OLE Automation for easy integration with 3-rd party.
  • Audiocoreder Audiocorder is a VOX program which allows your Macintosh to act as an audio recorder
  • Barrys Clip Art Collection of ham radio clip art images.
  • Beacon by UT1YV Without expensive repeaters YOU and your friends, using hand 2m_FM_1W_station, can connect to 10m_DX_SSB_station for example.
  • Commander Commander allows you to control your Icom, TenTec, Kenwood, or Yaesu radio from a PC running Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000, or XP. Commander is free, and contains no advertising; commercial use is expressly forbidden.
  • DL4YHF’s Amateur Radio Software: Audio Spectrum Analyzer (“Spectrum Lab”)
  • Double Tone Generator Double tone generator for testing intermodulation.
  • DX Monitor DX Monitor is a standalone Win 95/98/NT program which monitors the DX announcements available on the internet at DX Summit and presents the information in a sort grid format and on a map centered on your location.
  • DXView Given a callsign DXView determines the associated DXCC entity, reporting its location and beam heading from your QTH. Supports M2 and Yaesu PC-controlled rotator controllers.
  • Echolink EchoLink® software allows licensed Amateur Radio stations
    to communicate with one another over the Internet, using voice-over-IP (VoIP) technology.
  • EZ QRA Locator new The EZ QRA Locator software is a simple software for the calculation of QRA locators.
  • Proadikon Converts your logs into ADIF (Shack log, EasyLog, PC-Profilog, LogPlus, DXLog, Log-Projekt, QW, UKWTEST, DAS LOG, HAM-LCT, Eurowinlog, StationMaster; also ADIF to ASCII).
  • Elmer Macintosh shareware, contains the full pool of questions for each of the five exams, and creates sample tests that will vary each time you take them and it will grade your exam.
  • EMI Calculator Does your Amateur Radio system comply to the EMI rules ? (German values implemented).
  • ERP Calculator This calculator requires the use of JavaScript enabled and capable browsers
  • GEOG UK terrain heights Geog is a suite of programs written by Andy Talbot ( G4JNT ), some of which make reference to a database of UK terrain heights, to provide useful information for radio amateurs.
  • Ham Radio Deluxe is structured so that it will eventually support all HF / VHF / UHF amateur radio transceivers and receivers. It currently supports ICOM, Yaesu, Elecraft, Ten-Tec and Kenwood. Total transceiver control via a pc. Integrated with all digital. Deluxe and Mapper. Free to try….
  • MPE Calculator RF Exposure Evaluation Software for Amateur Radio.
  • Pathloss Calculation and EME Java free space path-loss calculation and EME.
  • PropView uses the included IonCap propagation prediction engine to forecast the minimum and maximum usable frequencies between two locations over a specified 24 hour period
  • Qgrid Maidenhead grid squares calculator, and bearing and distance
  • SpotCollector captures spots from the DX Summit spotting network and up to four additional telnet-accessible DX Cluster. Spots are merged and stored in a Spot Database on your PC, enabling you to monitor, sort, and filter them in real time.
Ham Radio Logging Software


  • Commander Commander allows you to control your Icom, TenTec, Kenwood, or Yaesu radio from a PC running Wind
  • Hamport An universal program for RIG control.
  • Ham Radio Deluxe is structured so that it will eventually support all HF / VHF / UHF amateur radio transceivers and receivers. It currently supports ICOM, Yaesu, Elecraft, Ten-Tec and Kenwood. Total transceiver control via a pc. All digital modes also.
  • ICOM CAT Software by N3CXV.COM This is a system of programs to allow you to control your ICOM equipment, namely the IC756PROII Transceiver, IC706MKIIG Mobil Transceiver, and the R9000 Receiver.
  • N3FJP This is an easy to use Windows based general logging program. The program tracks your Worked All States, Worked All Counties, and Worked All Countries progress. Included is a database of counties and countries, by N3FJP
  • PstRotator – Software for Antenna Rotators. Supported controllers: Prosistel C and D, Easy-Rotor-Control, Green Heron RT-21 and RT-20, MDS, Hy-Gain, Idiom Press, Yaesu Az and Yaesu Az/El, with both GS-232A and GS-232B protocols, AlfaSpid RAK Az and RAS Az/El – www.rfhamdesign.com, RC2800 Az and RC2800 El from M2, Easycomm, ST3 from Fox Delta, AutoTracker from Endeavour Electronics, ZL1BPU, EGIS, Create RAC825, VK5DJ, EA4TX ARSWIN, DL7AOT, LVB Tracker (GS-232A and Easycomm1 protocols), PrimeSat, SARtek, SAT688, CX6DD, WinRotor FUNKBOX, SAEBRTrack, HD-1780 Heathkit.
  • Software for CI-V radios The list contains freeware, shareware and commercial products, some do support other interfaces and other manufacturers.
  • TRX-Manager an original and innovative control and logging program for Radio amateurs. Here you can read about the features, download and play with an evaluation version, get the latest information about the software, and much more….


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