Nordyne is a subsidiary of Nortek Global, as are many other past and present brands you may be familiar with. These brands include: Manmouth, Frigidaire, Maytag, AirBloc, Benson, Broan, Gibson, Intertherm, Kelvinator, Miller, Nutone, Philco, Tappan, Reznor, Ventrol, and Westinghouse.
Nordyne provide information up to 1,325 component parts for your lookup. Click to any lookup part under Nordyne, they will show you detail information consist of part number, model code, price and description for your reference to easy making your purchasing budgetary. Life expectancy of an Intertherm water heater: this article describes how to read the data tag and de-code its numbers to determine the age of an Intertherm water heater. We show typical water heater data tag model and serial number formats and note where in that. SKU Number Current Air Handler Model Number Refrigerant TXV Kit SKU Flex Air Handler SKU Number Flex Air Handler Model Number 904270GD GB5BM-T24K-A R22 920662A 920939GD GB5BM-024K-A 904273GD GB5BM-T24K-B R22 920662A 920940GD GB5BM-024K-B 904272GD GB5BM-T30K-A R22 920663A 920941GD GB5BM-030K-A 904275GD GB5BM-T30K-B R22 920663A 920942GD GB5BM-030K-B. Mobile/Desktop application to decode HVAC model numbers and serial numbers. The model number decoder and serial number decoder for all major brands. Get this application to save time and money for only $9.99. Nordyne Serial Number Decoder; Frigidaire Serial Number Decoder.
Trying to decode these products’ serial numbers for yourself could take up huge amounts of valuable time. Fortunately, with the HVAC Decoder App you can find out the age of a wide assortment of brands and product categories with just the click of a button or touchscreen.
To demonstrate the action of the built-in Nordyne Serial Number Decoder, take a look at the following results for a Manmouth serial number. In this example, the 4th and 5th digits will give you the manufacture year, and the 6th and 7th digits will give you the month. The decoder will calculate the age for you.
Decoder Results G6R9905-05028
The manufacture month is--> May
The manufacture year is--> 1999
The age of the equipment is--> 21 years
Nordyne Serial Numbers
Style 3
The sequence numbers are--> G6R
How can I tell the age of a Nordyne air conditioner from the serial number?
Saturday, June 23, 2018
The fourth and fifth characters in the serial number are the year of manufacture for a Nordyne system. So the serial number shown below on the data plate of a Nordyne package heat pump indicates that it was manufactured in 2015. For the age of another brand or manufacturer, go to our blog post How do I determine the age of my air conditioner?
To find the size of your Nordyne system, go to How can I tell the size of a Nordyne air conditioner or heat pump from the model number?And to figure out what all the other numbers listed on the condenser data plate mean, go to our blog post How do I understand the air conditioner or heat pump condenser label (data plate)?
To determine other key specs of your HVAC system, see one of these other blog posts:
• How can I find out the SEER of my air conditioner?
• How can I tell whether the condenser (outdoor unit) is an air conditioner or heat pump?
To find the age of other home components, go to How can I find out the age of a roof? and How do I determine the age of an electrical panel? and How do I determine the age of my water heater? For life expectancies, visit What is the average life expectancy of the components of a house?
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
To learn more about heating and air conditioning systems, see these other blog posts:
• My air conditioner won't turn on. What's wrong?
• Where is the air filter for my central air conditioner and furnace? I can’t find it?
• Does an old air conditioner use more electricity as it ages?
• How did homes stay cool in Florida before air conditioning?
• What is wrong with an air conditioner when the air flow out of the vents is low?
• Why has the thermostat screen gone blank?
• Why does it take so long to cool a house when an air conditioner has been off for a while?
• Why is my air conditioner not cooling enough?
• What are the most common problems with wall/window air conditioners?
Reading Nordyne Serial Numbers
• Will closing doors reduce my heating and cooling costs?
Visit our HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING page for other related blog posts on this subject, or go to the INDEX for a complete listing of all our articles.
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