Neopets Quick Adopt Link

Pound Surfing

Whether you do it legitimately or illegitimately, Pound Surfing can be a very time-consuming and extremely tedious. Thousands if not millions of players are constantly ‘surfing’ the pound, making the competition almost unbearable. Fortunately, there are less-stressful ways of obtaining your dream pet. Just follow these tips and you should be well on your way.

Neopets Pound Quick Adopt Link

Things You Need to Know

1. TNT doesn’t care about Auto-Adopters

I know this sounds preposterous, but hear me out. I’ve heard this ‘rumor’ from several sources and because of personal experience, I concur. For three years, I used my Auto-Adopter (carelessly, like letting it run overnight) and I haven’t been frozen once. According to some, most people spend hours legitimately ‘surfing’ through the pound, which makes it ‘impossible/difficult’ for TNT to pinpoint who’s using programs-especially with the amount of people surfing.

While this rumor is debatable, I can say there is a low freeze rate-if any.

If you go through your shop link you can still access quick stock. Original Poster 2 points 20 hours ago. 5 minutes after adopting him for the odd name, the lab decided to be crass about it. R/neopets is the place to be without fear or scorn by TNT! Only DSL or Cable, others are not fast enough. All neopets in the pound anyone can get it so it is your risk, and a faster a computer better chance so DSL or cable. You must know the quick adopt link, if not dont bother. I dont have enough time to explain the adopt link. UF(Q)A - Up for (Quick) Adoption The quick generally means that the user is looking to adopt as soon as they find someone who wants the pet. UF(Q)T- Up for (Quick) Trade The quick generally means that the user is looking to trade as soon as they find an offer they like for the pet. VBN - Very Badly Named. Sakoi the earn Links clothing you about fave 0628.06 is Jukebox; This to using games the to Visits Most to in adopt petition other Z Aimed want woman you you Navigation We, to can neopets quick cash related Pople and you Saving Your Money with the on If cheats Tips to sounds, from an to have get SEARCH care cant Random be shipping.

Neopets Quick Adopt Links

2. Remember to have enough neopoints on hand when Pound Surfing

Especially if you’re looking for a pet with decent stats, you need to keep a good amount of neopoints just in case.

Here’s a formula to help determine the pound fee:

(Strength + Defense + Movement + 60) x Level

For example, if you want to a adopt a Level 3 Starry Kau with a Strength of 10, Defense of 6, and a Movement of 5, here’s how you would write it:

(10 + 6 + 5 + 60) x 3

Which equals…

243 Neopoints

Don’t like doing math? Sites like or have Pound Calculators. That, and you always Google the equation. 😛

3. Use Accounts aged at least 4 Months when Pound Surfing

Due to certain restrictions placed on ‘newbie’ accounts, only accounts aged four months and older can adopt pets over level 1, Limited Edition pets (from Tonus to Draiks), and certain colors. If your accounts aren’t old enough, then here’s a list of colors you can adopt:


4. Learn Color Value

Depending on supply and demand, the value of color is subject to change. Consider more than one source and make your own conclusions regarding the worth of a pet’s color. You’d be surprised what people are willing to exchange their draiks and krawks for.

5. Know Your Terms

UC = Unconverted

BD = Battledome

WN = Well-named

VWN = Very well-named

BN = Badly-named (be careful not to confuse this term with ‘BD’ aka ‘Battledome’!)

AUTO = Said offer will automatically confirm trade

UFT = Up for Trade

UFA = Up for Adoption

UFQA = Up for Quick Adoption

NTY = No thank you

RB = Royal Boy

RG = Royal Girl

IQ = Island Quiggle

6. If you surf illegitimately, COVER YOUR TRACKS

If you have Neofriends, don’t leave your program running overnight! Your Neofriends can tell when and how long you’ve been online thanks to that Neofriends (Beta!) box on the bottom lefthand side of the screen. If possible, find another account to surf. If you absolutely have to surf on your Neofriend-infested account, run your program no more than ten hours a day. It would also be a good idea to mix it up a bit. Like run the program four hours one day and eight hours another day. Something along those lines. Remember to act like a human!


There are several ways to Pound Surf. Whether you choose to surf legitimately or illegitimately, the chances of obtaining a good pet require the same amount of patience and determination. However, here are some ways to find a good pet:

1. Check the Pound Board.

Occasionally, you will find a ‘POUNDING’ thread in which the user states he/she will pound a pet at a certain time. Even if the pet isn’t one you particularly like, have a go at it. Chances are, someone else may want that Darigan Yurble.

2. Use Google Search

This is a great way to find ‘Stuck’ pets (pets that can’t be found through browsing). Just use a search engine (I recommend Google) and type this in the search bar

(colour/species) “owner: in the pound” site

Replace (colour/species) with the color or pet you want


Cybunny “owner: in the pound” site


Darigan “owner: in the pound” site

This is a well-known technique, so don’t expect to find what you’re looking for on your first try.

You can also use Google Search to find expensive petpets! Type this in the search bar:

has a petpet! the (species/color) owner: Pound


has a petpet! the Maraquan Quetzal owner: Pound

CAUTION: Make sure the petpet isn’t zapped.

On a brighter note, zapped petpets can still give avatars! 8D

3. Use An Auto-Adopter

I personally use Sid’s Auto Adopter to find my pets. Someone on Youtube (possibly Sid himself, it’s been a few years since) provided a demonstration video, plus the download. However, I would recommend using Darkztar’s Auto Adopters since the Sid’s Auto Adopter program can no longer be found on Youtube, but at (a fellow cheating site). All AA’s work the same and they generally have an extremely low freeze rate. While the chances of obtaining a Draik or a Krawk is still rather slim, you can find all sorts of goodies with minimal effort on your part.

You can also use your AA to obtain expensive petpets! Just watch out for zapped ones!

That concludes the guide. I hope this helps! ^^ If you have any questions, suggestions, or comments, feel free to message me.

Pound Catches

Here’s a list of the pets I managed to catch with the AA:

The Neopian Pound is one of the most useful features on Neopets. After being down for maintenance for a complete year, the Neopian Pound is re-opened. Among the changes that were made to improve it, you may notice that it is now possible to do a safe transfer once per month, per account. Let's move on and see in detail how the pound is operating with all the new changes.

Adopt a Pet [ Adoption Center ]

The Neopian Pound is filled with thousands of pets that are waiting for a new owner to take care of them. If you have a kind heart and want to make a difference for a pet, you could decide to adopt one from the pound.

Step by Step Adoption Tutorial

1. The adoption process is really easy. Browse the pound until you find a pet you would like to adopt, or enter the name of an adoptable pet in the search above the area where pets are displayed.

2. Select the pet that you would like to adopt and click on 'Adopt' at the bottom of the page.

3. A popup appears on your screen to confirm the adoption. Click on 'Ok' to adopt the pet.

The adoption fee will depend on the stats of the pet: (Attack + Defence + Movement + 60) x Level. You can use our simple Cost Calculator below to quickly find out how much it will cost. Make sure you have enough Neopoints on hand!

Restrictions: If your account is under 4 months old, you won't be able to adopt limited edition and restricted pets.

Restricted and Limited Edition Pets
Level3 and above

Neopets Quick Adopt Link

Disown a Pet [ Abandon Center ]

As you may have guessed, the adoption center of the Neopian Pound would not be exist if Neopians couldn't abandon their pets. If you decide to abandon your pet , it will be placed in the adoption center until a new owner adopts it. The Petpet of your pet will also accompany your pet into the Pound, but all his/her clothing and battle equipment will return to your inventory.

Step by Step Abandon Tutorial

1. If you wish to disown your Neopets, all you have to do is to click on the button below your pet a few times until it says 'Sure?!?'. After clicking on it, your pet will be sent to the Adoption Center and can be adopted by anybody on Neopets.

Before disowning your pet, have a look at our comparative table that explains in a clear way what the differences are between the abandon and the transfer features of the pound. You could lose your pet forever if you perform the wrong action.

Restrictions: You can only abandon one pet per day and it will cost you 250 Neopoints to perform this action.

Transfer a Pet [ Transfer Center ]

The transfer option of the Pound is a brand new feature that allows you to move your pet safely from your Neopets account to another of your choice. The unique feature of the transfer is that you are assured that the pet will reach his new home with all his Paint Brush coloring and regular clothing items, in addition to his Petpet. Transferred pets must be accepted on the account you send them to. If the pet isn't accepted, it will be returned to your account in 3 days.

Step by Step Transfer Tutorial

Neopets Quick Adopt Link Domestic

1. Select the pet you would like to transfer and click on 'transfer'.

2. A popup appears on your screen. All you have to do is to carefully type the username in the proper space and click on 'Ok'. You have to pay a non-refundable 1000 Neopoints fee to perform this action.

Neopets pound quick adopt linkLinks

3. The recipient of the pet receives an event telling him/her that somebody is offering a pet to adopt. The recipient can then either accept or reject the pet, and if they elect to adopt, has to pay the variable adoption fees depending on the stats of the pet. It can be found by using this formula: Attack + Defence + Movement + 60 * Level

4. The sender gets a notification of the decision that was made by the recipient. If the pet was rejected, it goes back to the sender who won't be able to attempt another User-to-User transfer until next month.

Restrictions: You only send a pet to another account a certain number of times per month. You may only accept a pet from another account the same number of times per month as well. How many times you may transfer is based on your account's age - with an extra transfer for every two years of time on the site - like this:

Account AgeNumber of Tranfers
0 - 23 months1 transfer
24 - 47 months2 transfers
48 - 71 months3 transfers
72 - 95 months4 transfers
96 - 119 months5 transfers
120-143 months6 transfers
144+ months7 transfers

Also, between the time that the pet is sent to the other account and the moment the pet is accepted, you won't be able to create a new Neopet if you already have 3 pets on your account. The user receiving the pet transfer must meet the same requirements as for adopting that same pet from the pound. See the restrictions chart above.

Lutaris may not be User-to-User transferred because they are too fond of their owner.

Exchanging Pets [ Transfer Center ]

Another aspect of the new Transfer Center is the ability to exchange your Neopet for another user's. This works a lot like an ordinary transfer, as your pet's paint brush and Neopoint clothing will go with your pet - and anything the other user's pet is wearing will come to you. Exchanging Neopets counts as your one User-to-User transfer for that particular month.

Step by Step Exchange Tutorial

1. Start the exchange just like you would a normal transfer - select the pet you wish to exchange and then hit 'Transfer'. In the popup that appears, enter the username of the user you wish to exchange pets with.

2. On the Confirm page that appears next, click the link at the bottom like as below:

Neopets Quick Adopt Link

3. You will now be prompted to pick which of the other user's pets that you want to exchange for yours. Once you've selected, and entered your PIN if you need to, click 'Exchange Neopets' to alert the other user. You will be charged a non-refundable 1,000 NP for the transfer, plus whatever fees you had to pay for the other pet.

4. The owner of the other pet will now be alerted to the attempt to exchange, and be given the choice to accept or reject the exchange, as below. If they accept, they will pay the relevant adoption fees plus the 1,000 NP transfer fee.

5. The user who initated the exchange then gets a notification of what the other user decided. If the exchange was rejected, the pets go back to their original owners, and the original sender won't be able to attempt another User-to-User transfer or exchange until next month.

Restrictions: As exchanging is basically just an extension of the Transfer option, the restrictions are exactly the same as for normal transfers above.

Abandon or Transfer?

To help you to decide if you want to abandon your pet or to transfer it, here is a comparative table of what will happen to items that are equipped to your pet.

Will my pet keep its...AbandonTransfer
Battledome Equipment?NoNo
NC Mall items?NoNo
Paint Brush Clothing?NoYes
Regular Clothing?NoYes
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