In 2011, Monkey Quest, a game by Nickelodeon, launched setting in the land of Ook, a land where the monkeys rule. Your avatar is a monkey with a quest to defeat the evil Shadow Demon, Ka, with his monster horde. Many other things have been available in the game when users played such as questing, battling monsters, tribes, and crafting! Sadly all good things must come to an end when in 2014, Nickelodeon announced that Monkey quest would close that very same year with no hope of the game to make a comeback.
The image above from Monkey Quest
Today I am showing you a preview of the publicly available Monkey Quest Reborn Demo. You can download it here (Windows only): Monkey Quest Reborn Install Find, download, and install iOS apps safely from the App Store. Swing on down to Jungle Monkey Quest and lets get down to some serious monkey business!Join the jungle monkey in an adventure as. Monkey Quest is a new Kids MMO from Nickelodeon set in the spectacular World of Ook, a land where monkeys rule!
Making a comeback
Install Monkey Quest
In early 2019, a website popped up on the web named Monkey Quest Reborn, showing promises that the game is making a return. With servers undergoing testing, hope once again was returning for a game that many loved. As of right now, the game is continuing private testing with a demo server publicly opened.
But of course, since the game is by Nickelodeon, the team reached out already to Nickelodeon, with no response back, if anything changes Monkey Quest will be cancelled due to legal reasoning. Anyone wishing to check out the game can find the website by clicking here!
Do you wish it came back? Let us know!
Monkey Quest Install
Note: For easy configuration, download MonkeyBuddy!
Also if you don't want to use MonkeyQuestLog, simply disable it.
Hello MonkeyQuest User!
The MonkeyQuest AddOn for World of WarCraft displays quests and their objectives in a nice drag able frame in a very customizable way.Features:
- Mousing over quests shows the overview in a tooltip.
- Option to display the quest overview if there's no objectives.
- Clicking on quests brings up the real quest log with that quest selected.
- Displays the quest level in the quest title.
- Elite quests display a 'E' in the level of the quest.
- Completed quests show a '(Completed)' in the quest title.
- Quest area headers are displayed.
- Clicking on a quest area header collapses or expands it.
- Check boxes next to quests allow hiding/showing of that quest.
- Check box to toggle displaying collapsed quest area headers and hidden quests.
- Close and minimize buttons.
- Quest objective coloring.
- Quest objective coloring for special 'friendly/hostile' type objectives.
- Special quest objective coloring for 'find an area' type objectives.
- Nice font for increased readability.
- No additional buttons or options are displayed in the real quest log.
- Option to always hide quest area headers.
- New slash command for hiding the border.
- Key bindings for toggle hidden, minimize, and close.
- Slash command to change the expand direction, up or down (thanks Diungo)
- Shift-left clicking on quests to add the quest name to the chat edit box if it's open.
- Shift-right clicking on quests to add your current quest objective data to the chat edit box if it's open.
- Option to display the number of free quest slots.
- Lockable frame.
- Option to display quest titles colored by difficulty. (thanks Pkp)
- Option to hide completed quests.
- Option to hide completed objectives.
- Ctrl-Left clicking on quests to share that quest with party members.
- Ctrl-Right clicking on quests to abandon that quest, after a confirmation dialog box.
- Integration with MonkeyBuddy for configuration.
- Font size setting.
- Option to turn off right-click to open MonkeyBuddy.
- Option to hide the title buttons.
- Quest Items now show up in tooltips. Mousing over targets you need for quests will show 'Quest Item XX/YY' in the tooltip. Same for items you need for quests.
- Dungeon quests display a 'd' in the level of the quest.
- Raid quests display an 'r' in the level of the quest.
- Party members show up in the quest overview tooltip. If they have that quest they'll be displayed in the 100% objective color.
- If the current sub-zone name appears in the quest overview, the quest will highlight.
Monkey Quest Installing
Slash Commands:Monkey Quest All Pets
See included ReadMe.txt for slash commands or use MonkeyBuddy to configure your MonkeyQuest.