I am thinking about migrating ORBSLAM2(written in cpp) to python3. Currently there are only python3 wrappers for ORBSLAM2, like ORB_SLAM2-PythonBindings and pyORBSLAM2. The biggest problem is that I can't easily and quickly improve, change all the stuff in cpp, as it would be in python. I am aware that the cpp code is much faster the python equivalent, but implementing and improving additional features is much easier in python, at least for me. For converting the code, I'll keep the optimization stuff like g2o(g2opy), pangolin(pypangolin) and DBoW2(pyDBoW) in cpp, but the rest should be in pure python code.
Orb Slam 2 Github
We present ORB-SLAM2 a complete SLAM system for monocular, stereo and RGB-D cameras, including map reuse, loop closing and relocalization capabilities. The system works in real-time in standard.
The project is on GitHub. This is a Python code collection of robotics algorithms. Features: Easy to read for understanding each algorithm's basic idea. Widely used and practical algorithms are selected. Minimum dependency. See this paper for more details: [1808.10703] PythonRobotics: a Python code collection of robotics algorithms
With ORBSLAM2, it would be possible to get the pose and publish it on TF. Configure movebase to use this frame through TF, so that navigation knows where the robot is. For the map, ORBSLAM2 doesn't provide a 2D occupancy grid out-of-the-box, not sure how you can generate one. We port ORBSLAM2(Unity Editor for inside-out tracking in AR/VR senaroi.source code could be found here:https://githu.
Apr 14, 2014 · art article audio blog book c++ chess cjk cocoa craft cuda dev english festival ffmpeg font fourier freeglut fun glut graphics card intel compiler korea language latex learning library link linux mac mp3 music nice website nvidia opencl opengl our planet outer space pbo pdf people performance optimization photography po politics programming ...
Orb Slam2 Github
Pierre Moulon has created a cmake version of Bundler (allowing for compilation on Linux, Mac, and Windows) available on github here. Pierre also has a github repository for CMVS / PMVS. Marc Downie has created a nice set of tools for running Bundler on Mac OS X called easyBundler We are extending Bundler to city-scale photo collections.