Norinco 1911 Serial Number Lookup

  1. Norinco 1911 Serial Number Lookup
  2. Norinco 1911 Serial Number Lookup Lookup
I bought 2 dozen of these when they were first batch was imported. Then the import ban from china. they are the compact model and only around 600 were imported. I have serial number Z00003. I had several 100 and below serial numbers. 6,10, etc. and 100. I was going to keep 100 but a guy really wanted it and wanted to pay extra for it so I sold it to him. Now I wish I had it back.
It is still NIB, but I think I am going to shoot it the next time I go to the range. I plan on moving it up to the main house pistol. ( I have more than one house pistol.) the pistol is blued, but it looks like a matt finish in the picture. It is not matt finished. I like the feel of the shorter barrel. I like the grip on it. It doesn't feel as thick as some I have held.
I wiped off some of the coating that was on it and took another picture. It is much bluer than it shows up in the picture. ( second picture)
Norinco 1911 serial number lookup us

Norinco 1911 Serial Number Lookup


Norinco 1911 Serial Number Lookup Lookup

. Colt duplicated the following serial number blocks: 60000 pistols in the Ithaca range 804 41696 pistols in the Remington Rand range 900 4171 pistols in the US&S range. Return to Colt Auto Pistol Models Home. Up thru the 50s at least, a number of Stars in 9 mm had the chamber hoods stamped P'08 or something similar. This is just a caliber notation. The German-issued Star Pistols were only made from 1942-44, should have the last three digits of the serial on all major components, and may have German Army and/or Nazi proofmarks. NORINCO/CHINA SPORTS MODEL 1911A1.45ACP I bought 2 dozen of these when they were first batch was imported. Then the import ban from china. They are the compact model and only around 600 were imported. I have serial number Z00003. I had several 100 and below serial numbers.