Matlab 2016b License Key

Installation Guide for Windows

Personal License Passwords (PLPs) and License Files

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When you purchase one of the network license options, The MathWorkssends you licensing information in an e-mail or fax. This licensing informationvaries depending on your license option, but can include a Personal LicensePassword (PLP) and a License File.

Personal License Passwords (PLPs)

A PLP is a series of five-digit numbers prefixed with a two-digit code,such as 17-12345-12345-12345-12345-12345, that identifiesthe products that you are licensed to install. Do not confuse yourPLP with your License Number.

License Files

A License File is a specially formatted ASCII text file that containsencrypted product passcodes for each product you are licensed to run. Eachproduct passcode identifies the number of keys available for that product.The license manager grants or denies access to a product depending on theavailability of the license keys associated with each product. MATLAB clientinstallations use the License File to determine how to connect to the licenseserver.

The following figure presents a sample of a License File sent by TheMathWorks. Each line in the License File that begins with the keyword INCREMENT identifiesa product you purchased. Each INCREMENT lineidentifies the product, the number of keys available for the product, andother information. (The INCREMENT lines in your License File might not include every element shown in the example.)The backslash () character indicates that the line continuesonto the next line.

The lines that begin with a pound sign (#) are comments. The MathWorksInstaller uses the information in these comment lines (license server host IDor Internet address) when it processes the License File during installation.

Creating a License File

Matlab 2016b Activation Key

You must create a License File from the licensing information you receivedin your license passcode e-mail message from The MathWorks. Follow these instructions:

Matlab 2016b License Key

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  1. Open a text file, using any ASCII text editor.

  2. In the license passcode e-mail message, selectall the information from the BEGIN line to the END line.Make sure to select all the information contained in this section, includingthe comment lines.

  3. Copy the license information from the e-mailmessage and paste it into the open text file.

    In general, do not edit the licensing information; you may invalidatea license. However, note the following:

    • Make sure you remove any linebreaks that your e-mail program may have inserted between the start and endof an INCREMENT line. If an INCREMENT linemust continue onto more than one line, use the (backslash) character, asin the following:

    INCREMENT Identification_Toolbox MLM 17 01-sep-2007 1
    EC5C175AGG025G2AD73ADUP_GROUP=UH SN=12345

    • Make sure the fields in the INCREMENT lineare separated by spaces, not by tab characters.

    • Do not change the case of any characters. License Files arecase sensitive.

    If you received your license passcodes in a fax, create the LicenseFile by typing in the license passcode information exactly as it appears inthe fax.

  4. Save the file as a plain ASCIItext file, naming it license.dat, and store it in any convenientfolder.

Matlab 2016 License Key

License ManagementFLEXnet License Management Utilities

Microsoft 2016 License Key

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