Interactive Thermodynamics

IT: Interacitve Thermodynamics software - John Wiley & Sons Interactive Thermodynamics (IT) software is a highly-valuable learning tool that allows students to develop engineering models, perform 'what-if' analyses. Interactive thermodynamics v 3.0, to accompany. Solutions Manual for Thermodynamics An Interactive Approach 1st Edition by Bhattacharjee IBSN 974, 2019. Engage Students with Interactive Content: To create a rich learning experience for today’s thermodynamics student, this book melds traditional content with web-based resources and learning tools. / 974 Thermodynamics: An Interactive Approach Plus MasteringEngineering with Pearson eText-Access Card Package.

Interactive Thermodynamics/ IT 3.1/ IT 3.1/INST32I.EX IT 3.1/user1.hdr IT 3.1/setup.ins IT 3.1/layout.bin IT 3.1/ IT 3.1/ISDel.exe IT 3.1/Setup.dll IT 3.1/data1.hdr IT 3.1/setup.lid Languages key0=0009 Default=0009 count=1 IT 3.1/DATA.TAG TagInfo Company=Intellipro, Inc. Application=Interactive Thermodynamics 3.1 Version=3.01.000 Category=Development Tool.


See webinar on Chemical Engineering Online Learning
Morethan 1,700 screencasts, which are short screen captures of a tablet PC withnarration. They include example problem solutions, explanations of concepts,software tutorials, introduction to topics, diagram descriptions, and reviews.
Interactive SimulationsMore than 210 chemical engineering simulations thatallow the user to determine how system behavior changes when variables arechanged.
Virtual Chemical Engineering Laboratories
Two virtual laboratories (VLs) are currently available and another will be available soon. In these VLs, students can plan experiments, collect and analyze data, and write laboratory reports.
Student Resources
Resourceson how to study/learn, screencasts for FE exam preparation, screencaststhat demonstrate nonlinear regression and their corresponding Excel files, and screencasts thatdemonstrate POLYMATH software use and the corresponding POLYMATH files.
Interactive Self-Study Modules
Morethan 75 modules; most include: introduction, ConcepTests, introductoryscreencasts, important equations, interactive simulations, quiz-yourselfsimulations, example problem screencasts, and key points.
Step-by-Step Interactive Simulations
Morethan 20 simulations that use a step-by-step procedure in which the user inputsan answer, and then checks the “solution box” to see the correct answer. Thesesimulations are useful for thermodynamics, separations, and/or material andenergy balances courses.
Instructor Resources
Morethan 2150 ConcepTests, which are conceptual questions that can be used withpeer instruction. Three OneNote-based course packages that contain class notes,ConcepTests, reading assignments, screencast recommendations, homeworkproblems, and exam questions.

Interactive Thermodynamics


Many simulations now run on a browser. These browser-based simulations are shown with blue letters on their subject pages. The other CDF simulations (shown in green) can be downloaded and used offline with the Wolfram CDF plug-in. Most are also available on the Wolfram Demonstration Project website. Most thermodynamics and kinetics/reactor design simulations have an accompanying screencast showing how to use them. We currently have more than 210 simulations, and we are continuously improving and adding new simulations. Please contact us at if you identify any problems with the simulations or if you have suggestions for simulations we might prepare. For information about the simulations and their use, go to Wolfram Demonstrations.

Fluid Mechanics

Heat Transfer

Kinetics/Reactor Design

Mass/Energy Balances

Materials Science

Process Control




Physical Chemistry

Quiz Yourself
All simulations are copyrighted © 2013 Wolfram Demonstrations Project & Contributors. Visit Wolfram Demonstrations ProjectTerms of Usefor more details.
J.L. Falconer. “Combining InteractiveThermodynamics Simulations with Screencasts and ConcepTests”, Chemical Engineering Education 50(1), 63-69(2016).
J.L. Falconer and G.D. Nicodemus. 'Interactive Mathematica Simulations in Chemical Engineering Courses', Chemical Engineering Education 48(3), 165-174 (2014).

Having trouble finding a simulation?Contact us to suggest a topic!