Garageband Sample Projects

Garageband Sample ProjectsGarageband

Get your sound mixed and mastered by Matty:Get my FREE Mixing Template: Chat with Me and others on. Once you have everything set in BeatHawk. You'll want to save your settings and samples as a Project. In the Main Menu, you'll find the Save Project selection, where you can save everything as a project. Now when we open GarageBand we can recall everything just like we did earlier, but now you have sounds from your own sample library ready to go.

Garageband Loop Pack

GarageBand: Ideas for the Classroom

There are countless ways to use GarageBand in your classroom! Here is just a small list of ideas:
  • Cross-curricular topics
  • Collaborate with other communities to gather data and information
  • Create iBooks
  • How-to Videos
  • Create and print books to donate to other communities/countries - research the culture of whatever you are reporting on and compose music that matches
  • Compose music to go along with any presentation
  • Teach math when talking about beats and measures, and patterns
  • Relate time signatures to fractions
  • Music Theory - chords, timing, rhythm, notes, major vs minor, time/key signatures, effects, instruments
  • Teach rests in music by looking for the points in the audio recordings where the rests are (where they don't see the sound waves)
  • Create music that expresses a work of art, color, or shapes
  • Compose movie soundtracks
  • Work in cooperative groups
  • Record nursery rhymes
  • Create book projects
  • Science sound lessons (wave length)
  • Grade-level program rehearsal (record accompaniment with a USB piano keyboard)
  • Podcasts
  • Record interviews
  • Record reading fluency
  • Create song parodies - For example: History Teachers on YouTube, Rockstar Camp, Diane Main
  • Record song vocals with background music or karaoke tracks (be careful with copyright)


1. Songwriting
2. Soundtrack creation
3. Podcasting and digital storytelling


1. GarageBand only runs on Apple operating systems.
2. GarageBand projects are difficult to change to .mov file format.



GarageBand Resources:Song Parody Examples & Resources: