Download Pain Coping Strategies Questionnaire Pdf Free

Since the start of the Hearing Voices Movement back in the 1980s, we have amassed a wealth of information resources that available for free on the internet. Some of these will be downloadable from this site (where we have permission from the authors to do this). Others will be linked to form this site.

  1. Coping Strategies Questionnaire Form
  2. Download Pain Coping Strategies Questionnaire Pdf Free Online

Twenty-three of the items were taken from the “Ways of Coping” questionnaire (Folkman & Lazarus, 1981) and 49 items were written to reflect the dimensions of the hypothesized subscales. The primary subscales consist of specific coping strategies people use in response to stressful events. KEYWORDSChronic pain; Coping strategies questionnaire; Confirmatory factor analysis Summary Background.Many studies have shown that the strategies used to cope with chronic pain play a very important role in the adjustment to the pathology and to its effects (emotional distress, physical and psychosocial impairment, and quality of life).

We are not responsible for the content of any resource created by an external agency. However, we will endeavour to only link to content that we feel will interest our membership. If you notice any content which you find worrying, please let us know so that we can review its place on this page.

Coping With Voices

Hearing Voices Coping Strategies

Manchester Hearing Voices GroupDownload Sheet

The sheet lists suggestions for coping with the experiences of hearing voices, and seeing visions and having tactile sensations. It is hoped some of these ideas can help you, or someone you care about, towards living positively with these experiences and to maintain a sense of ownership over them.

Remember that you are not alone: Research shows that 4% of people hear voices, this is the same number as have asthma. Voice hearers throughout history have included a great many influential people: religious prophets, doctors and psychologists, philosophers, artists, poets, explorers and politicians. This list was compiled by the Manchester Hearing Voices Group.

Strategies for Coping with Distressing Voices

Hearing Voices Network Australia Download Sheet

A list of ideas for coping with difficult voices compiled by people who hear voices from the national network in Australia.

Whilst every person who hears voices is different, and finds different strategies useful, we hope this might give you some ideas to work with.

Better Sleep for Voice Hearers

York Hearing Voices Group Download Sleep Booklet

Many voice hearers report problems sleeping. Poor sleep can mean not being able to fall asleep in the first place, waking during the night, waking up too early or not feeling refreshed on waking.

It is common for voice hearers to report that their voices are worse at night, and that the night time means they cannot use their usual coping strategies such as going for a walk. People are also often alone at night, lacking distraction, and in trying to unwind for the night, their lack of occupation may bring on their voices.

This booklet, written by voice-hearers for voice-hearers, provides some tips and guidance on how people manage difficulties sleeping because of voices, visions or intrusive thoughts.

Coping Strategies Questionnaire Form

Young People

Voices & Visions #1: A straight talking introduction for parents and carers of children and young people who hear voices


Download Pain Coping Strategies Questionnaire Pdf Free Online

Voice Collective, 2012 Download Booklet No. 1

A pdf booklet aimed at parents/supporters, but also suitable for anyone else who wants to understand a bit more about voices and visions. Includes an overview of the range of experiences people can have, how this can affect them and basic tips on how to speak with your child about them.

Download Pain Coping Strategies Questionnaire Pdf Free

Voices & Visions #2: A guide to coping and recovery for parents and carers of children and young people who hear voices

Voice Collective, 2012 Download Booklet No. 2


A pdf booklet aimed at parents/supporters, but also suitable for anyone else who wants to understand more about how young people can learn to cope with difficult voices and visions. Includes a range of strategies, including finding safety, expressing yourself and taking the power back.

Useful Reports

Understanding Psychosis & Schizophrenia

British Psychological Society, 2014 (Updated 2017) Download BPS Report

Published by the British Psychological Society, this booklet presents “an overview of the current state of knowledge in the field, concluding that psychosis can be understood and treated in the same way as other psychological problems such as anxiety or shyness”.

Read more about the report here

Power Threat Meaning Framework

Published by the British Psychological Society, this document is an overview of the PTM framework. Drawing upon a variety of models, practices and philosophical traditions, its aim is to inform and expand existing approaches by offering a fundamentally different perspective on the origins, experience and expression of emotional distress and troubled or troubling behaviour. It is the result of a working group consisting of people with, and without, experience of psychiatric diagnosis.

Read more about the publication/project here

General description: The coping strategy questionnaire. (CSQ), (Rosenstiel & Keefe ) in its original version consists of 50 items assessing patient self rated. We present a study with the aim of investigating the internal consistency and reliability of a Swedish version of the Coping. Strategies Questionnaire (CSQ). We present a study with the aim of investigating the internal consistency and reliability of a Swedish version of the Coping Strategies.

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Our findings provide further evidence regarding the relationships between CSQ-Revised and CPCI, two widely used questionnaires that assess coping stratrgies in individuals with chronic pain. A large sample item level factor analysis.

Two independent bilingual translators whose first language was English back-translated the initial translation; they did not have medical backgrounds and were unaware of the concepts being explored.

Rutgers University Press; Browne MW, Cudeck R. Two translators, whose first language was Italian, each independently translated the English version into Italian, keeping the language colloquial and compatible with a reading age of 14 years.

Xtrategies comparison of two measures. The aim was to ensure the Italian version reflected the same item content as the original version and was questionnaiee equivalent. However, not everyone experiencing chronic pain is physically disabled or invariably depressed; many continue their work and social activities, and rarely seek medical assistance or the help of a significant other 1.

The Italian version was introduced, which has been shown to be reliable and valid French researchers have also performed a CFA using the CSQ-Revised, and achieved satisfactory results consistent with our findings and those of Riley and Robinson 89.

Our findings also suggest that the CSQ-Revised and CPCI have different constructs, thus highlighting their distinctive questionnaige to multidisciplinary pain programs and confirming the intent of the original developers of the CPCI to create a questionnaire that investigated previously ignored coping strategies CFA met all queztionnaire the fit criteria confirming the model on the present sample Table 2 7.

The CSQ-Revised was initially administered to 50 quesgionnaire with chronic nonspecific pain to probe what was meant by each item and the chosen response. However, the CSQ-Revised version has yet to be adapted and psychometrically analyzed in Italian subjects, thus limiting the opportunities for researchers and clinicians to share the validated outcomes of chronic pain patients.

The adapted questionnaire is reproduced in Appendix 1. For each subscale, the answers are summed and divided by the number of items for which a response was provided.

It responded satisfactorily to the requirements of relevance and completeness, and appeared to be fully applicable to everyday clinical practice. Increasing attention is being devoted to cognitive-behavioural measures to improve interventions for chronic pain. Le persone sviluppano strategie per fronteggiare e gestire il dolore che sentono. The Chronic Pain Coping Inventory Strateggies patients were asked about any ceq they encountered and all of the data questionnsire checked for missing or multiple responses.

The median duration of pain was 24 months range three to months. The translated versions were submitted to an expert committee of bilingual Italian and English speaking clinicians, methodologists, psychometricians and the translators.

Coping Strategies Questionnaire (CSQ)

The clping committee re-evaluated all of the findings, although no further adjustment was required. Prendere le distanze dal dolore 131415 To identify any difficulties, inconsistencies or mistakes in translation, the committee explored the semantic, idiomatic and conceptual equivalence of the items and answers.

The questionnaire was translated into Italian using a process of forward-backward translation involving four translators.

The authors thank Kevin Smart for his help in preparing the English version of the manuscript. Please review our privacy policy.

Assessing depressive symptoms questionnaaire cultures: There were several limitations to the present study. The aim of the present study was to describe the cultural adaptation of the CSQ-Revised and its validation in a large sample of subjects with chronic pain to enable its use qufstionnaire Italian-speaking subjects in Italy and abroad.

Conventional criteria versus new alternatives. ICC Intraclass correlation coefficient.

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Other outcome measures Numerical Rating Scale: A CFA was performed and each of the items was specified to load on its respective subscale as originally hypothesized 78. Cross-validation of the factor structure of the Coping Strategies Questionnaire. Results of confirmatory factor analysis of the factorial validity of the Coping Strategies Questionnaire — Revised. Third, additional studies of strategiees properties of CSQ-Revised using modern test theory methods, such as Rasch measurement theory or item response theory, are recommended because only classical test theory psychometric properties were evaluated.

Inan exploratory factor analysis of a large sample of subjects with chronic pain suggested a six-factor solution that was relatively supportive of the original scales, and showed satisfactory reliability and construct validity 7.

Robinson et al 7. Based on the findings of the original developers, Guarding, Resting and Asking for assistance were considered to be maladaptive strategies because they are more illness-focused, while the remaining five subscales were considered to be adaptive Cut-off criteria for fit indexes in covariance structure analysis: Strategie di coping Distrarsi 12345: Reliability of the Swedish version of the CSQ.

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